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Anticipation: A Heart & Handcuffs Anthology Page 3

  The hardwood on the floor at the head of their bed—past where the plush rug ended—ground into her knee. Lindley pulled one tie from the pile and secured it to the foot of the bed, and then tied the loose end of the slipknotted length to it. She repeated the ritual on all the corners.

  A grin curled her mouth. All four silky loops reached atop the edge of the bed…only a few inches from each of her husband’s thick limbs. A giddy sense of power and euphoria washed over her, coaxing fresh moisture to her already wet lips. She got the same feeling when she gave him head. Only this was stronger. More salacious.

  She ruffled the covers at his feet. When his chest continued to rise and fall in deep steady rhythms her hand slid up the bond’s length, and then looped the circle over his left foot. She pulled the knot flush just above his ankle. The restrained fabric may as well have been clenched around her torso. Excitement cramped the oxygen in her lungs. Her clit pulsed.

  Lindley secured his other foot, and then his hands, with the same measured actions. With each triumph the intensity of her yearning ratcheted. She eased onto the bed and sat on her heels next to Fox’s hip. Her own shifted, pressing her bits together. She clamped her teeth to keep from crying out. Her desperation for his touch had reached a fevered pitch, been recycled, and then strengthened so frequently over the last two weeks that one swipe of his slick head might send her over the edge.

  Time to find out.

  The white sheets tented just below his belly button. Lindley stroked her finger in a wide arch, barely abrading the knitted fibers. She traced the length of his cock bluntly. With each pass her short nail grazed closer. Soon she mapped the intricacies of the flared head and bulging veins.

  Moisture seeped through the sheet at the tip. Her caress lingered there and pressed down just a bit, finally touching the barest hint of his steely arousal. Fox groaned. His hips lifted toward her hand. She flattened her palm and held just above his dick. Slowly she cupped his shaft, careful not to make contact.

  Fox mumbled. His heat-seeking dick thrust into her hand. He rocked back and forth, rubbing his girth against her. “Fuck, Lin,” he sighed. His eyes popped open. The instantaneous tension on the bonds cracked like a whip.

  Striations etched his taut skin. The muscles that had kept him alive more times than she’d like to count bulged. His gaze flashed left, right, high, low, and then pierced her. Those grainy green orbs flared white-hot. The corners of his nostrils flared.

  “Why so hard? I haven’t even touched you yet,” Lindley breathed.

  “Thanks to your pictures, I was dreaming about fucking you on the breakfast table.”

  His voice rasped from too many hours awake, too many orders given, and too much pent-up cum—to her way of thinking anyway. Fox’s gaze scraped down her body, suspending for a moment on the swell of her breasts before stopping at her hand on his cock.

  “You call that not touching?” He gritted the words.

  “If you’d relax, you’d see it’s you who are touching me. I just happen to be holding my hand in the way of your thrusting hips. So, no. I haven’t put my hands on you…yet.”

  “Untie me, so I can put my hands on you.” Fox jacked his hips, shoving his erection harder into her palm.

  “Nope. You’ve had your chance. Plenty of them, actually. It's my turn.” She yanked the sheet from the bed. His swollen girth looked ready to pop with brilliant shades of red and the slightest hint of purple. “Mmm.” She smiled. “Before we begin, I do need your consent. After all, I wouldn't want you to arrest me.”

  Lindley dipped one finger into her mouth and then popped it out. She dragged it over one of his nipples. “Then again, handcuffed and at your mercy sounds pretty fucking hot.”

  She straddled his right leg, and then leaned over. Her exhalations coiled around his cock. She licked her lips, which were only centimeters away from his distended flesh. “What do you say…let me play a little?”

  “Suck my cock, Lindley,” he demanded.

  “Ah. Ah. Ah.” She straightened and gave him a long look down the end of her nose. Even though she lived for him to take control, and even though her body thrummed from the bite of his order, she had to see this through. It was his punishment for keeping her in the dark and horny as hell. “If I’m remembering protocol correctly—and you’ll have to forgive me if I’m not, since it’s been so long since I’ve been properly fucked—but the person not tied up is the one that calls the shots. Not the one restrained.”

  “Oh look,” she said, gliding a hand over his abdomen, up his arm, and to the firm bond at his wrist. “You’re restrained.” A giggle vibrated in her throat. “The only question is what to do first.” Her fingers danced around his nipple.

  “Lin, this isn’t y—”

  The twist and tug she administered on the tiny, erect bud cut through his opinion. “You know, Fox, I like your fists in my hair, your heavy body pinning mine to the bed, the control I give you…but I think you’ve neglected that authority as of late. So much so, that I’ve had to take matters into my own hands. I think I’ll show you just how I do it.”

  Lindley shimmied out of the slinky gown. Ass in the air, she crawled to the edge of the bed and opened the drawer. “You call to tell me you’ll be ridiculously late, and I pull out my toy. I twist it on.” She did as she said. The muted hum rolled through her veins.

  Fox’s gaze locked on the pink cock. His Adam’s apple bobbed.

  “I like to start slow.” She whirled the head about the mound of a breast. The rosy point constricted. “But it doesn’t take long before my pussy is slippery wet…because I was ready for you. I’m so temped to shove this thing inside me and end my misery, but no. Sometimes I’ll just tease my lips, my clit, until I can’t bear it. Other nights, I like to do this.”

  She hugged an arm under her boobs, and then squeezed. A huge mound of fuckable flesh gathered beneath her chin. She positioned the tip of the dildo in the valley, and then pressed down. The phallic-shaped silicone disappeared between her flesh.

  “I imagine it’s you, pressing into my cleavage, chaffing my nipples on your lunging hips.” She pinched a hard bud with her thumb and forefinger. A cry escaped her lips. Her head fell back. She picked up the tempo, jacking and twisting until the room narrowed to a tunnel and her hips undulated.

  “When I get…good…and…worked-up,” she panted, “I move south.” She dragged the tool down her chest, and then her belly.

  “Let me loose, Lindley.” Fox tugged at the bonds.

  Her heart jerked with his powerful body. “Not yet. I’m not finished.”

  “You better not finish, unless I’m inside you.”

  “Or else?” she asked with a quirked brow. Lindley pushed onto her knees, prepared to drive them both to the brink with her toy. She coasted the instrument past her belly button.

  Fox growled. Her gaze leaped to his right hand. A loop of silk clung to his wrist, but the other end no longer knotted around the tie connected to the bed. He reached across his body and aimed for his other bound hand.

  Lindley gasped. Her heart spun in a tight circle, generating a current of nervous energy. Before she could think to move, he jackknifed off the bed and surged toward his ankles. A laugh mingled with a shriek. She scrambled to the side of the bed.

  “Oh, you’re not going anywhere.” Fox’s deep voice rumbled just over her right ear. The warmth of his body caged hers, but a maddening layer of air separated them. “You were showing me something. I liked the presentation, but I had lousy seats. You know I like front row.” His teeth sank onto her lat.

  A moan seeped from her lips. She sank back, relishing the connection.

  Fox released his hold. His bite scraped across her skin. “Center of the bed. On your knees. Face the headboard and continue.”

  She crawled to the middle of the bed. Her rejoice in his commands took on a boneless post-orgasmic quality. The dildo quivered in her hands—and not just from the vibrator option. She steeled her grip and lowered the wand to the
juncture of her hips.

  “Look at you, half to an orgasm already.”

  His words drifted over her chest. He knelt at her side. His capable body towered over hers. The duskiness of his nipples sat at perfect mouth level. She licked her lips.

  “You, Lindley, not me.”

  She met his gaze.

  A smile spread, devilish and daring. “Yes, lover. You’re that easy to read. If you had steak sauce, you might eat me for dinner. That’s how starved you are. And it’s my fault.”

  “It wasn’t just—”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t let it happen again. Now, get that thing inside you before I lose my patience. But don’t come. Not until I say.”

  Lindley positioned the head of the cock. She spread her lips, exposing her throbbing nub. Fox’s hand steadied hers. Together they thrust into her body. She panted. Her body hugged the gyrating toy.

  “Oh, Fox. I can’t. Turn it off, please.” She removed her hand from her lower lips and clenched it at her side.

  “You’re a strong woman. I know you can hold out.”

  “It’s been too long. I can’t.”

  “I haven’t even touched you yet. Isn’t that what you told me?”

  His mouth hovered over her aching nipple.

  She bit her lip to muffle her pleas. They would only prolong the exquisite torture. Instead, she kept the dildo as still as possible and tried to stave off the orgasm she’d been needing for weeks.

  Fox’s mouth opened. His tongue snaked out. The wet flesh scraped the tip of her tight pink nipple. At the same time, one of his big hands clamped onto her ass cheek. He held her in place, while his lips clamped around her nipple.

  Heat engulfed her bud. His suction pulled her deep. His hold on her bottom doubled. It yanked her attention from the impending orgasm to the nip of pain. His mouth popped off and he released her bottom.

  Blood rushed to the skin of her butt. Pain bled into pleasure.

  Yes. Yes. Please. More.

  He lay on the bed with his head propped on his hand. His thick shoulders rippled. “Tell me, Lindley…” If the sight of him laid out at her alter, ready to feast, wasn’t enough, his seductive voice drove her the rest of the way, dropping her off at the barbed gates of bliss. “How many lashes can you take without coming?”


  Damn, just the thought of it might do the trick.

  “As many as you want to give me.”

  The corner of his mouth curved. “We’ll see about that.”

  “Is that permission to come?”

  “No.” He laughed.

  It went against every women’s-lib cell in her body, but fuck, she loved it when he got bossy—in bed.

  “Spread your lips for me.”

  She obeyed even though holding back would be the hardest thing she’d done in as long as she could remember.

  “Count them.” Fox’s mouth crowded her hands. The moisture of his breath struck her intimate flesh. His tongue crashed into her provoked knot of nerves.

  “Ah.” She folded from the contact.

  Fox bared his teeth like an animal and nipped at her bosom. “That’s not counting.”

  She straightened. “One.”

  “I know you can take it.”

  He bombarded her.

  “Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Oh, Fox, stop.” She lost her grip on the cock. Her hand fisted against the clawing need to orgasm. “Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven.” The incessant battering stopped. He pulled the dildo from her body. But she couldn’t register the sense of emptiness before… “Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen.”

  His mouth sealed around her clit, but held perfectly still.

  Don’t move. Suck me. Don’t move. Fuck me.

  Lindley’s chest heaved.

  Fox dragged his lips off her tip and pushed off the bed. His arm looped around her hips. His other hand pushed at the center of her shoulder blades. “All fours.”

  She barely caught her upper body in time. Her boobs swung forward, nearly catching her in the chin. His knees shoved hers wider. She heard the crack before the sting on her right cheek registered.

  “Yes,” she sighed, unable to hold back any longer. “More.” Lindley shoved her ass in the air.

  “I’d shove something in your mouth to keep you in line, but I know a better place right now.”

  The slick head of his dripping cock circled her entrance. Her eyes rolled back in her head. Her shoulders threatened to buckle. And maybe they did a little. Fox’s hold around her waist firmed.

  “I know you like it rough, Lin. Hard and fucking fast. I’ll give it to you like you need it, but right now…” His heartbeat thumped against her back. Her hair danced against her cheek with each of his exhalations. “Right now, I want you to realize how much you mean to me, how much I need you in my life, whether we’re burning up the sheets every night or not. No matter what comes at us, I want you to remember that. Remember this.” He hugged her with a fierceness that pierced her heart. Tears collected in her eyes.

  He pierced her body sharp and fast. “And this.”

  She keened.

  Fox stayed buried to the balls in her, wrapped protectively around her, until her breathing evened. She always felt safe in his arms, but this was an emotional safety net that she hadn’t realized she craved. It hadn’t just been about their nitty-gritty between the sheets…or wherever they decided to do it.

  He kissed a trail across her shoulder blades. “Now, Doc, grab some sheets and hang on.”

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “You’re just saying that because I’m about to pound a big O out of you.” He laughed.

  “There is that.” His hand fell hard on her sex. Her smile morphed into an O, only not the one she’d counted on. “You sadist,” she yelped.

  “You love it.”

  “Yes.” She grabbed two fists full of sheet and rocked against his shaft. “Yes, I do.”

  The bed shifted beneath her. Fox sat back, filled his hands with her full hips, and set a break-dick pace. He emptied and stuffed her to the point of bursting every second.

  Lindley’s buds brushed against the mattress with each back and forth. She shut her eyes against the pile of blue throw pillows and framed photographs of their family. She closed the world out and focused on Fox’s touch.

  One of his hands freed her hip and with it the last bit of their restraint. The tempo went wild, ratcheting higher and higher until his touch—from the inside out—became the catalyst that fueled her disintegration.

  And still, she hung in the balance, awaiting his command.

  The tell-tale hum of her vibrator whispered in her ear. The insistent flux met with the valley of her cheeks. She twisted a glance over her shoulder. Fox’s jaw clamped tight. His chest huffed. He held his restraint in his firm grip, as well as the bright pink dick. He whirled it around her rosette, and then pushed the very tip inside.

  “Fox.” At least, that’s what she’d intended to say. It came out as more of a high-pitched cry. Her body quivered. And still he pumped into her.

  “Come, Lindley.”

  Every seam of her well-styled poise unraveled. Every piece ripped from her tight grip. Every worry evaporated. She flew apart with his big cock plowing away.

  Fox barked and cursed his orgasm. He filled her with the force of a madman. She absorbed each wave with a spent smile. Finally they collapsed onto the bed.

  He rolled them onto their sides and spooned her in the curve of his body. Now she knew why they called it coming. Because she had just come undone. Each breath shook her on the slow drift back to whole.

  As soon as she fused back together in Fox’s arms, sleep claimed her.

  Chapter 5

  Lindley shifted. The pretty swell of her hips nudged his cock. Fox’s whole body went rigid. His eyes popped open in the inky room. Three-oh-nine a.m. He inhaled through his mouth, hoping if he didn’t smell her unique mix of sweet sex the stiffness in his dick would settle. He needed sleep. Continuous h
ours. Not these intermittent naps.

  Fox didn’t sleep well after making love to his wife. Never had. Probably never would. Because after he had her, he wanted her again and again. Which was another reason why he’d gone so long without initiating anything with Lin. When they’d been young a few hours of sleep could sustain them.

  But now…

  The longer he went without, the easier it was to persevere, and with work the way it had been he needed his sleep. And Lindley needed hers, dealing with the kids and her career, the house, and her ailing parents.

  He continued to breathe through his mouth, though it didn’t help much. His shaft still ached to the point of pain. He’d already woken her twice to sate his desire. Their desire, really. Hell, the first time he’d still been nestled inside her. He couldn’t wake her again. And if he stayed, he would.

  All of their covers had fallen, or been shoved, to the floor earlier. He fished the comforter off the hardwood and covered Lindley. He let his lips brush her temple before tearing himself from her side. Shuffling around the dark was nothing new. Every day, he woke at five to hit the gym. He yanked on some boxers, and then made his way downstairs.

  Maybe a glass of milk would do the trick—or constructing a post-sex wall between the two sides of their bed.

  As Fox padded through the kitchen, the cruiser’s distinctive color pattern caught his attention. Tommy must have ordered the car to his house after he’d left. The guy knew he wouldn’t waste resources, stationing a car outside his own home. Not unless his family was in real danger.

  Fox drank his glass-o-milk and snuck a brownie to wash it down. After stowing the cup in the dishwasher, he headed to the living room. Considering the front of his boxers still popped a tent, the couch was a safer bet for them both. He lay on his side and yanked the cozy blanket off the back to cover with.

  It still took a while before sleep weighted his eyes. The rattling of the back doorknob forced them wide. Lindley hadn’t come down the stairs. The boys were with his dad. Before both of those thoughts settled Fox was off the sofa.